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Chicken Sausage Scramble

Chicken Sausage Scramble 6 servings | 25 minutes | Per serving: ~122 calories, 8g fat (3g saturated fat), 5g carbohydrates, 8g protein Ingredients: 3 cups Russet Potato (washed, peeled and diced).... read more

Posted in Diabetes, Recipes | Post Comment

School Lunches Made Easy

Pack a healthy lunch by breaking up your child's nutrition needs into these three key areas: protein, carbohydrate and fat. Then add color--think deep red, green, blue, orange and purple to make certa.... read more

Posted in Child Nutrition, Meal Planning, Meal Prepping | Post Comment

The MIND Diet: A combination diet for cognitive health

What is the MIND diet? The MIND diet is a hybrid of the Mediterranean diet and the DASH diet (a pattern of eating aimed at lowering blood pressure) which has been studied for its positive effects on .... read more

Posted in Hot Topics, Weight Management | Post Comment

Loss of Smell or Taste: What's Next?

Losing a sense, especially taste and smell -- both so intimately connected to the pleasure, selection and enjoyment of food, can be disorienting. The purpose of this blog is to briefly address what .... read more

Posted in COVID-19, Hot Topics | Post Comment

Does fruit turn into sugar?

Fruit provides an abundance of nutrition: antioxidants, water, vitamins, minerals and energy--aka "fructose" a long sugar chain that gets broken down into glucose (the body's preferred fuel source) .... read more

Posted in Child Nutrition, Hot Topics, Macronutrients, Metabolism, Weight Management | Post Comment

Food Sensitivity Tests: Should I get one?

At home food sensitivity and allergy tests have become increasingly popular. They are available in drugstores an online under various brand names. Some require hair samples, saliva samples or blood te.... read more

Posted in Child Nutrition, Hot Topics, Macronutrients | Post Comment

Getting Ready for Change

How many times have you thought to yourself, “I want to eat healthier but don’t know where to begin?” or “I want to achieve this goal but don’t know how to get there?” If this is you, you’re not alone.... read more

Posted in Coping Strategies, Diabetes, Hot Topics, Organization, Sports, Weight Management | Post Comment

Summer Time Kid-Friendly Snacks

Summer time is coming soon. Cue the kids opening the refrigerator constantly, draining the pantry and asking "Mom, what's for dinner?" We know from food surveys that kids in the U.S. don't usually .... read more

Posted in Child Nutrition, Hot Topics, Meal Planning, Meal Prepping, Recipes | Post Comment

First Trimester Nausea -- How to Cope

Pregnancy can be an extremely exciting and unnerving time in a woman's life. She knows she's pregnant often before anyone else does and begins to undergo body changes that she's never experienced be.... read more

Posted in Coping Strategies, Hot Topics, Pregnancy | Post Comment

How to Learn to Like New Foods

Not everyone is born to love fruits and vegetables. Some people describe vegetables to have a bitter taste or have a texture that is squishy or slimy for that matter.  What would you say if I told y.... read more

Posted in Child Nutrition, Coping Strategies, Hot Topics | Post Comment

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